How to Git

By Jenny Wang on April 22, 2017
~3 min. read




  • get your directory


  • go to that directory (follow pwd’s format)



git config

  • –global
    • change setting on all repos
    • disclusion = only change setting on this repo
  • –help
    • get local help page
  • [“name”]
    • get/set username
      • (put “name” after if you want to set it)
  • [“email”]
    • get/set email
  • core.editor [“directory”]
    • get/set default editor to type values in when prompted
    • ex: core.editor “atom –wait”

git init

  • creates new git repository
    • first cd to the correct folder
    • if you want to see it, go to file manager, options, show hidden files (roughly)



git status

  • shows status of all files in repo
  • untracked- hasn’t been anywhere yet
  • unmodified- unchanged from last commit/ from after pulling
  • modified- changed, but not set to commit yet
  • staged- going to commit soon

git add <filename> [<filename> <filename> ...]

  • add file’s content to next commit
    • -start TRACKING that file, STAGE files, mark
      • merge-conflicted files as RESOLVED, etc
  • see names of untracked files w/ git status
  • ex: git add README
  • -s
    • makes output shorter
    • M = modified
    • A = added
    • ?? = not tracked
    • 2 columns of symbols ^^
      • left = staging area status
      • right = working area status git commit
  • commits the changes in staging area (see git status)
  • w/o -m
    • opens core editor to type message describing commit
    • close core editor window to proceed
  • -m
    • type commit message w/o opening core editor
  • -a
    • commit everything that was changed (skip staging area)

cat .gitignore <press enter> <what to ignore> <enter> <etc>

  • make those files not show up in git status
    • *.[extension] - ignore w/ that extension
    • *[part of name] - ignore w/ that in end of name
    • (note the * in front)
    • disregards lines with # (comment)
  • no .a files
    • *.a
  • but do track lib.a, even though you’re ignoring .a files above
    • !lib.a
  • only ignore the TODO file in the current directory, not subdir/TODO
    • /TODO
  • ignore all files in the build/ directory
    • build/
  • ignore doc/notes.txt, but not doc/server/arch.txt
    • doc/*.txt
  • ignore all .pdf files in the doc/ directory
    • doc/*/.pdf

git diff <filename>

  • shows difference between working directory and staging area
    • ex: lines of code that were changed
  • if discluded, shows all files i think

git log

  • gives list of commits w/ their message

git show <commit>

  • display what changed in that commit (git log?)
  • can be HEAD => the commit you're currently on

git checkout <commit> <filename>

  • restore that file in working directory to that commit’s version

git help <commandName>

  • your friend. opens up local help page (html file)
Tags: coding_notes