How to C
Popular things to include:
#include <stdio.h>
- standard input and output
#include <string.h>
- strings
#include <stdlib.h>
to exit out of coderand()
to create random numbers
#include <stdbool.h>
- booleans
- can use bool instead of
#include <ctype.h>
recieves a string/char, can be put in variableputchar(string)
display the charisalnum(char)
and others (see below)- has an alphanumber been passed in? (a for 10, b for 11, etc)
#include <errno.h>
- error handling
#include <math.h>
- calculate power of something
#define MYNAME "Derek Banas"
- all uppercase, a constant
#undef MYNAME
- can redefine afterwards
Concepts and Strategies:
main looks like
int main(){}
and returns a0
at the end &
is to get the pointer,*
is for the value- inverses
- Print things on the screen from an array:
char *randomString = "Just some random stuff"; while (*randomString){ //null=>0=>ends while putchar(*randomString++); //increment to chars } //OR int i = 0; while(randomString[i] != '\0'){ putchar(randomString[i++]); }
if you initialize a, but don’t give it a value before incrementing it, computer will take whatever was inside the place a is, increment it, and spit it out. “Random garbage”
- arrays use row-major ordering, so it is array[y][x]
Data Types:
char firstLetter = 'L';
int age = 38; //up to 32000
long int superBigNum = -3229384234; //bigger
float piValue = 3.14; //decimals (38 decimal #s)
double reallyBigPi = 3.1423842323i4uy23i4;
To describe variables:
= no negative digits
= constant, unchanging
= stores the amount of data in bytes
= variable was defined elsewhere, but use that var here, too
= basically a “global” variable with a scope limited to where it was defined
- functions: “you can’t call me out of my scope! >:D”
is anything other than 0
- can an int be used in if(int) ?
is also 0
, <
, >=
, <=
, ==
, !=
, &&
, ||
result comes out as 1 (true) and 0 (false)
To choose between two options:
char* legalAge = (custAge > 21) ? "true" : "false";
- if true, return true. If false, return false
- can be put inside the %s part of printf()
Casting a value:
to temporarily change the type
//when the two numbers are ints: printf("numberEx / numberEx2 : %f", (float)numberEx/numberEx2);
- If made by char ex[] = {‘C’, ‘a’, ‘\0’}, include ‘\0’ “naw” to end the string
- or do char myName[] = “Something” (automagically puts \0)
- see Functions
To pass data to other functions so they can use that local variable as well
can be in %p and %d (hexidecimal or not)
to get what’s in the pointer-
to make it into a pointer - print the first index in an array:
printf("First: %d", *array);
- print any other index because they are next to each other:
printf("Thrid: %d", *(array + 2));
- more than one data type to describe something
for strings because of pointers - Example:
struct dogs{ const char *name; int height; };
- use
typedef struct
to make it so you don’t have to put struct everywhere else-
“Make a new variable type”
typedef struct dog{ const char *name; int height; } dog; //you can call it with dog //can put multiple names
To put info in:
struct dog spike = {"Spike", 90};
- To get the info in the struct:
theName =; //use the . OR theName = theDog->name; //OR theDog->name = theName;
- To get addresses, use for strings and
&theDog.avgHeight for ints
- When struct is passed to function, new struct is created, so need pointers
- When doing
with structs, use()
:(*theDog).weight = newWeight;
- OR you can do
*theDog->weight = newWeight;
- OR you can do
struct dog cujo2 = cujo;
- Can copy everything in a struct, including pointers
store 1 pieces of data that can be any type, but is not more than one type at a single time
- Making one:
typedef union{ short individual; float pound; float ounce; } amount; //this union is named amount //set amount as 16, other values follow amount orangeAmt = {.ounce = 16}; //changes the value of the whole union orangeAmt.individual = 4;
- Can put them in structs
- To initialize:
- Ex: orangeProduct is a type of struct named orangeProduct, theAmount is an union, so
orangeProduct productOrdered = {"Chiquita", .theAmount.ounce = 16};
- Ex: orangeProduct is a type of struct named orangeProduct, theAmount is an union, so
Linked List:
Essentially make an infinitely long list with structs
Format of each struct:
typedef struct product{ const char *name; float price; struct product *next; //pointer to next struct } product;
is the pointer of the given product, the next one in the line ispProduct->next
- Add a new struct to the end: = &potato;
add a new product, apple, between potato and lemon: = &apple, = &lemon, = NULL
- To go through all structs:
- go through all the items through next until you get NULL
- To search for a struct:
- recieve a
- set a varialbe to the first variable in the struct => name
- use strcmp() to compare
- recieve a
- Deleting an item:
- Ex: Tomato, Potato, Lemon
- see what’s before potato from the time you were scanning for potato
- potato’s next is now tomato’s next
- free() potato
- A fragment of code that is given a name
- name is read => whole code is pasted in
- conventional = names are all UPPERCASE
#define MACRO_THINGIE 10
-> 10 is put in MACRO_THINGIE, replaces it - can make multiple lines
#define MACRO_NUMBERS 10 \ 2 \ 3 int x[] = {MACRO_NUMBERS};
- makes: int x[] = {10,2,3};
- weird error line numbers later on tho
Enumerated type
==================== For the times that you don’t need anything else other than what you put inside
typedef enum{ INDIV, OUNCE, POUND } quantity;
To set the value:
quantity quantityType = INDIV;
To do somethign:
if (quantityType == INDIV){
blah blah
Line buffering:
storing/scanning an amount of information before something is done to it
File I/O:
- Print out data from the file:
char buffer[1000]; while(fgets(buffer, 1000, pFile) != NULL){ printf("%s", buffer); } //OR while(fscanf(pFile, "%s", buffer) == 1)
- returns # other than 1 if it doesn’t pass a string
- Print directly to the file:
fputs("Messing with strings", pFile);
- pFile is the way you are entering stuff
- To get number of bytes in whole file:
fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_END); ftell(pFile)
- because the “cursor” is at the end of the file
- see Functions
Convert any base to any base:
For startingBase
, endingBase
, numberToConvert
numberToConvert % endingBase
=> put in array- Then
numberToConvert = (numberToConvert - <remainder>) / endingBase
- and so on until you get an error with 1
Convert any base to base 10:
- ex: binary 110 to base 10
- (1 * 2^2) + (1 * 2^1) + (0 * 2^0)
chars have values, too!
int charCode = ((int)tolower(number[i])) - 87;
result += charCode * pow(baseFrom, toThePowerOf);
Bitwise operators:
And bitwise operator:
110 & 111
=> 1 for every time they’re both 1- 110 is result
Or bitwise operator:
6 | 7
=> if either is a 1, return a 1 => 111
exclusive or:
- 6 ^ 7
- 1 returned if one is a 1, other is 0
- 001 => 1 is returned
bitwise not:
- ~x
- if a bit in x == 0, that bit is now = 1
- if a bit in x == 1, that bit is now = 0
negative is the 2’s complement 000000010 => 2 111111101 => complement of 2 111111110 => add 1 to it
- inverse sign =
- Ex:
~numberSix = -6
- Ex:
- shift operators:
shiftLeftTwo = numberSix << 2;
x/pow(2, n)
is the same asx>>n
- bit masking
- if you want to see what is in some specific spots
- do 1 for parts you want to see, 0 for others
- do an AND bitwise operator
printf("string, int %d, long int %ld, decimal with 2 decimal
- places shown %.2f”, intValue, longIntValue, floatValue);
- Displays to terminal
- Conversion characters:
//prints to 5 decimal places%.15f
//used for float and double%c
//return hexidecimal addresses //also use & => printf(“%p”, &rand1)
= line,\t
= tab,\\
= print,\"
= print “
scanf("<data type in format>", &whereToStore, &otherPlace);
- Ex:
scanf(" %d/%d/%d", &month, &day, &year);
- Store input from user, bulky
- will overwrite values if there is a data overflow
- needs the &
- don’t use %d++ in the “” because it screws up
- will return a 1 or 0 if compared with == to a number
fgets(storeHere, 30, stdin);
- like
- store the 30 bytes of information in storeHere through stdin
- adds the \0 character
- adds new line
- accepts more than one string
fputs("string here", stdout);
- string, output method
- no new line
- accepts one string and puts it in name
- no new line. It ends with \0
puts("string here");
- makes a new line after displaying the string
strcpy(myName, "Bob Joe"); //used to hold "Derek Banas"
- assign a different value to the variable
- returns negative # if first string is less than 2nd
- returns positive # if more (second would come first if alphabetic)
- returns 0 if equal
strcat(yourCity, yourState);
- combine the two strings into yourCity
strlcpy(yourCity, "aksjdfl", sizeof(yourCity));
- cuts off the end of the string so variable doesn’t overflow
- returns the length of the variable (number of slots)
theChar = getchar();
- Takes in chars until enter is pressed
- print the char on the screen
strrchr(randomString, '\n');
- returns last occurance of \n in randomString
strchr(randomString, 'a');
- returns first occurance of a in randomString
- makes the letter lower cased
- Ex:
theString[i] = tolower(theString[i]);
- makes the letter upper cased
- is it consisting of all numbers?
- alphabetic character
- space
- digit
- anything but space
- upper cased
- lower cased
- punctuation
- any space
strcmp(string, string)
- comparing two string sto see if they match
- returns 0 if they’re the same
- returns (+) if first string more (further in alpha order)
- returns (-) if first string is less
- Close program. Don’t run anything else.
- can be (0),(1),(2),(3),(4), etc for personal reference
- Create random number
- To get numbers 1-50:
rand() % 50 + 1
- exit out of an infinite loop (is like exit())
- used in switch
- go back to the beginning of the braces
- Ex:
for(blah){ //do something, start here again! if (variable == 1){ continue; } //don't do this stuff this time }
case(1) : printf("Print the time");
default : printf("Bye");
- if whatToDo == 1 (in case(1)), do that
- go on to other cases
- default is done if nothing else works
- if there isn’t a break, it will execute all the other statements after the one it entered in on range is 4…6 instead of 4 or something
- returns the number of bytes in there
pRandomNumbers = malloc(amountOfBytesToStore);
- if fails, stores a NULL
- Good usage to store a specific number of ints:
malloc(amtOfNumbersToStore * sizeof(int))
- free memory for pRandomNumbers to prevent crashing
- used for large scale programs that don’t end in a while
pFile* = fopen("fileName.txt", "w");
- will make the file if it doesn’t exist
- binary files (.bin) use things like rb+
- “w” - stuff already inside will be deleted/replaced
- “a” - append or add new info
- “r” - read from the file
- “a+” - start at end of file if it exists and reads and writes
- “r+” - open at beginning for reading and writing, no delete, no make new file
- “w+” - delete original (or make new one if no exist), read and write
- if file wasn’t opened, returns a 1
fprintf(pFile, "%d", randomNumber)
- print it to the file like printf()
- file to print to, what to print
- close the file, if not closed, returns 0
- if went well, returns 1
if(fclose(pFile)) != 0){ printf("Success writing to text"); }
fseek(pFile, 12, SEEK_SET);
- can use (-) numbers in fseek()
- 12- move 12 characters => “moving the cursor”
- Seek things:
- SEEK_SET - Start from beginning of file
- SEEK_CUR - Move from current position in file
- SEEK_END - Based off of end of file
- in binary mode, need to * number chars to move by the size of each thingie => move 12 => 12 * sizeof(int)
- returns the number of bytes the cursor is from the beginning of the file
perror("Error Occured");
- prints that and the standard error message
printf("Error Code %d\n", errno);
- prints error code
fwrite(name, sizeof(name[0]), sizeof(name)/sizeof(name[0]), pFile);
- Write binary data to file
- pointer by default
- variable, size of each element, number of elements, where to print
fread(buffer, 1, fileSize, pFile);
dataInFile = fread(blah blah);
- information goes to buffer, bytes taken from each element,
- number of elements, read from this place
- go to beginning of file
pow(base, toThePowerOf);
- mutiply base and itself toThePowerOf times