How to Javascript

By Jenny Wang on May 24, 2019
~10 min. read



<!DOCTYPE html>


<body onload=function()>

  • onload- does function()



<p id="demo">

  • id- set the id so its elements can be found w/ getElementById() if there is no matching id, creates one at the bottom of the page events: onchange, onclick, onmouseover, onmouseout, onkeydown, onload

<br />

  • inserts a line break there

<noscript>Text to display</noscript>

  • Display that text if javascript is not enabled

<!-- and //-->

  • outline the script with this comment so unsupported computers skip it

<div style="" align="" globalAtribbutes>

  • style- “color:#0000FF” => all text within <div> = that color
  • align- left/right/center/justify(stretch) the elements
    • not supported in HTML5
  • draggable- can click and drag like a picture

<form action="code.php" method="post/get">

  • for organization
  • action- what to do after submit button is clicked
    • if ommitted, looks within the page
  • method- how to submit data, GET = default (data displayed in
  • address field, POST = data hidden


  • for organization within <form>


  • “header” for fieldset

<input type="" name="name" value="text" onclick="function()">

  • type- none/text=text box, button=button, radio=multiple choice submit=submit button (see <form>)
  • name- must be included to be submitted within <form>
    • id- can’t be used for <form>
  • value- text to initially display (hint). ‘’ is empty
  • onclick (buttons)- when element is clicked do blah

<audio src="dir or website">

  • holds an audio file
  • audio accessed by through
  • src- a directory or website that holds the audio file

.innerHTML / .value

  • .value is for buttons, etc
  • .innerHTML is for paragraphs, etc


  • text has strikethrough




  • click and drag the element like a picture spellcheck=true/false
  • have spellcheck within element or not




  • do this when the element is clicked
  • for string parameters, use quotes DIFFERENT from the one
    • surrounding the function
    • ex: "function('hi')"

ondblclick="function()" - do this when the element is double clicked

onload="function()" - do this when the element loads

onkeydown="function()" - do this when key is down








<script type="text/JavaScript">script</script>

  • make a js script

<script type="text/JavaScript" src="code.js">

  • reference an external js script


  • equals
  • ex: "7" == 7 => true


  • strict equals, takes var type into account, too
  • ex: "7" === 7 => false


  • the element
  • ex:

      `<button onclick="this.value=Date()> `
    • changes button’s own text

typeof <variable>

  • returns type of variable
  • ex: typeof variable == 'undefined'

if a variable doesn’t exist, it basically == false

  • ex: function test(callbackFunction) if (callbackFunction) { callbackFunction(); } }

  • and if I put test() with no callbackFunction, it just doesn’t do anything
  • AKA: can call functions with less arguments than specified

closure: variables created outside an event listener are “kept alive” if the reference in the listener is still there

  • creates memory leaks
  • use $('element').off('event') => ex: $('button').off('click'); “use strict” ontop of the script
  • cannot “pollute the root scope”
    • can’t make a new var to fit the uninitialized a = 2 in the window object
foo: function(){
    //do something
  • another way to declare the function foo()

try{ throw "error" } catch(e){ switch(e){ case "error" break;}

  • create + manage errors! let
  • block-scoped
  • using x before let statement causes error
  • only defined in its block var
  • function-scoped
  • using x before var statement sets x to undefined that ${var1 + var2} is cool
  • template literals. Replaces “that “ + (var1 + var2) + “ is cool”
  • can do multiline:

    • (this has a \n in the middle)


====================== window.alert(<text or num>); [or just alert()] popup alert


  • .write(<text or num or object>);
    • cannot write numbers when it is not in a function
    • only for testing purposes
    • if it is object, can type as "<p>paragraph</p>"
    • string" + num = "stringnum"
    • num + num = sum
  • .getElementById(id);
    • access an HTML element
    • .innerHTML = "text";
      • change the element’s text
  • .body
    • do something to the <body>
    • .appendChild(‘elementVariable’)
      • add the element (ex: button) to the document
  • .createElement("element")
    • ex: “button”, “br” (line break)
    • create the element.
    • can save it w/ var btn = document.createElement("button");
  • .createTextNode("text")
    • create the text node (variable)
    • can save it w/ var t = document.createTextNode("text");

Any element variable (ex: btn)

  • btn.appendChild(textNode)
  • .previousSibling
    • returns element right before it in the parent
  • .replaceChild(newChildElement, oldChildElement)
    • replace the old with the new
    • later do newChild.appendChild(oldChild) to restructure

console.log(text/num, text/num, etc);

  • log text into the console (inspect element)
  • multiple parameters => a space in the


  • .indexOf("string"[, fromIndex]);
    • returns first index of “string” within str
      • returns-1 if not found
    • begin looking from the index fromIndex
  • .lastIndexOf("string");
    • returns last index of “string within str
      • returns -1 if there’s nothing
  • .search("string") or .search([regexp object])
    • can use regexp (but slower)
  • .match([regexp object])
    • better search method
    • ex: match(/m/gi) (see regexp)
  • .substr(start, length);
    • start at start and end length chars later
    • start is negative => start from the end of the string
  • .substring(start, end);
    • start at start and end at end
  • .slice(start[, end]);
    • almost same as substring()
    • if start/end are negative, count from the end of the string
      • doesn’t work in Internet Exploerer 8 or earlier
    • only one parameter => slice out the rest of the string
  • .split("searchTerm"[, numElementsToReturn]);
    • return array of str split at the search terms
    • can stop looking for new terms after numElementsToReturn
  • .charAt(index)
    • returns char at the index
  • .replace("findThis", "replaceWithThis");
    • replace all “findThis”’s with the replacement
  • .toLowerCase()
    • returns string in all lowercase
  • .toUpperCase()
    • returns string in all uppercase
  • .strike()
    • returns [str.value]
  • .length
    • returns length of string

element.fireevent(eventStartingWithOn, event)

  • can be used without the () and stuff in it
  • returns if the event was cancelled (ex: can’t click there)
  • eventStartingWithOn/event are more specifications


  • returns rand number from 0 to 1
  • Math.floor(Math.random()*50) for rand int between 0 and 50


  • .splice(index, number) remove element(s) from the array
  • .push(element) add element to end of array
  • .includes(element)
    • returns if the element is in the array
  • .pop() removes and returns last element
  • .shift()
    • removes and returns first element. all elements are shifted left
  • can initialize with var a = [1, 2, 3]
  • adding elements outside the array puts undefined in the middle

      var a = [1, 2, 3]
      a[5] = 0
      // a = [1, 2, 3, undefined, undefined, 0]
  • an instanceof Array




  • .ready()
    • does what’s inside () when doc is ready onerror = <function>
  • calls <function> when the document errors.



var varName = <something>;


  • all global variables in HTML are part of the window object

var car = {brand:"Fiat", price:"3000000000000"};

  • get values with car.price or car[“price”]
  • can have methods as elements
    • use with car.function()

this.innerHTML = <blah>

  • change own element (ex: if in


  • txt.length
    • returns length of string

string objects

  • For var x = new String("Some Text");
    • x == y (another new String()) => false
    • x == x => true
    • != "Some Text"

if variable not given in parameter of function, it = undefined - ex: func(x,y) => use func(1) => y = undefined

2D Array - is arrays in an array - ex: var array = new Array(columns); for (i = 0; i < columnds; i++) { array[i] = new Array(rows); } - access with array[1][2]



  • basically parent classes in java
  • different from classes b/c they are hoisted
    • can be used in lines above it b/c it’s basically in the head
  • create prototype:

      function Person(n, a){
 = n;
          this.age = a;
 = function() {console.log("Hi")};
  • add properties within prototype once made:
    • Person.prototype.newProtoName = "value";
  • create new object from prototype:
    • var joe = new Person("Joe", 70);
  • add property to existing object
    • myObject.newProperty = "value";
    • (creates it automagically for myObject and not prototype)
  • add method to existing object = function () {
          return "I dunno";


  • returns whether object.prototype is in prototype chain of obj



  • not hoisted

      class B extends A {
          publicField = 0;
          #privateField = 1;
          constructor(x, y) {
              this.x = x;
              this.y = y;
          foo() {
              <function body>
  • constructor is named “constructor”
  • don’t put def/var/function keywords in front of methods



  • object representing formatting
  • syntax: /pattern/modifiers
    • pattern- word/char/[multiple things] to look for
    • modifiers- i (case-insensitive),
      • g (global, find multiple matches)
      • m (multi-line matching)
  • ex: str.match(/m/gi)
  • ex: var rEPattern1 = /z/i; reg
    • .exec()
      • returns first match if found
      • returns false if none found
      • if just called for the same string, starts searching after the previous match .test()
      • returns true if found, false if not found
      • if just called for the same string, starts searching after the previous match


===================== Date()


  • is website url



Append text to document body


Simulate a click without clicking there

    function eventFire(el, etype){
      if (el.fireEvent) {
        el.fireEvent('on' + etype);
      } else {
        var evObj = document.createEvent('Events');
        evObj.initEvent(etype, true, false);
  • usage: eventFire(document.getElementById('mytest1'), 'click');

Get mouse coordinates when it changes

(function() {
    document.onmousemove = handleMouseMove;
    function handleMouseMove(event) {
        var dot, eventDoc, doc, body, pageX, pageY;

        event = event || window.event; // IE-ism

        // If pageX/Y aren't available and clientX/Y are,
        // calculate pageX/Y - logic taken from jQuery.
        // (This is to support old IE)
        if (event.pageX == null && event.clientX != null) {
            eventDoc = ( && || document;
            doc = eventDoc.documentElement;
            body = eventDoc.body;

            event.pageX = event.clientX +
              (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) -
              (doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0);
            event.pageY = event.clientY +
              (doc && doc.scrollTop  || body && body.scrollTop  || 0) -
              (doc && doc.clientTop  || body && body.clientTop  || 0 );

        // Use event.pageX / event.pageY here



String interpolation

  • add variable value to a string
  • ex: console.log(var+”hi”);
  • Escaping a letter
    • in a quote "There\'s something"
      • put a slash to print the apostrophe



  • while testing on a web server
    • disable cache in inspect element
      • Network->Disable cache
  • change order of elements by appending/something the document.getElementById







  • means the element is from jquery and should act like one >:D



  • it’s a button element!
    • .on('event', doThis)
      • ‘event’ is the event psh. ex: ‘click’
      • doThis can be a function






Should probably use a modern front end library like ReactJS so that the site doesn’t become spaghetti code. These notes are a way to get started with HTML and Javascript, but don’t really talk about best coding practices.

Tags: coding_notes